The Blog
Risk Assessment is a Skill That Requires Time to Learn
Childhood is the time to build this risk assessment skill set. Kids need ample time to explore and adequately learn both components of risk.
Sunlight-Before-Noon Challenge
Sunlight regulates human physiology and behavior. In fact, approximately 100 bodily functions have daily rhythms that require exposure to the sun's day and night schedule for optimal function.
How to Find the Hidden Nature Gems Near You!
If you're feeling a little antsy and you want to try someplace new here are a few suggestions on how to find the hidden gems in your area.
1000 Hours Outside - Join The Challenge
Research has confirmed time and time again that what children are naturally and unabashedly drawn to, unrestricted outside play, contributes extensively to every area of childhood development.
Prioritizing Eye Contact in the Digital Age
Here is a sobering statistic: Children between the ages of 10 and 17 will experience nearly one-third fewer face-to-face interactions with other people throughout their lifetimes as a result of an increasingly electronic culture, at home and in school.
Evening Lantern Hikes for Kids (Homemade Lantern Tutorial Included)
Their lanterns were easy and fun to make, using many items you may already have on hand. They love this open-ended and customized craft because they were able to choose their own colors and designs.
Outside Play is Crucial for Emerging Readers and Writers
What I have learned throughout the past decade of outside play is that my kids are developing in untold ways. They are obtaining the skills needed for future success as they jump, run, skip, roll, and tumble.
Let's Stop Stealing Time from Children
Children desperately need their childhood hours. Let's give them some back!
Valuing the Immeasurable Parts of Childhood
As each of us begins to value these unmeasurable components of childhood, we show others that there are many enticing paths toward success and happiness.
Kids Still Need Nature Time During the School Year
Many of the things kids need to learn during childhood happen only during unstructured time. Hours upon hours are needed and these portions of development cannot be hurried.
Nature Provides Exceptional Multi-Disciplinary Learning Opportunities
Just like in nature, the sun and the dirt have provided slow and steady growth for our children, with deep roots formed and breathtaking blossoms of individuality springing up.
Four Must-Have Additions to Your Outside First Aid Kit
Preparedness goes a long way in having successful outdoor experiences with kids. What's your favorite first aid kit? What extra thing do you pack just in case?
The Very Best Way to Deal with Childhood Boredom
When kids play outside it can take up to 45 minutes to determine a play scheme. Since kids activities are often less than 45 minutes we aren't used to giving kids the time they need to figure out what they are going to do with their surroundings. Waiting almost always gives way to something engaging.
The Science Behind How Wool Keeps Us Warm in the Winter
Quite incredibly, wool can absorb 30% of its weight in water without feeling wet at all; and what happens next is astounding. In cold weather, during this process of trapping the moisture, wool actually generates heat.
Beauty in the Wildness: Embracing the Imperfections that are in Nature and in the Home
Nature gently reminds me to let things go and embrace the unpredictabilities that are synonymous with parenting. When I surrender something altogether different and magnificent is created.