Sunlight-Before-Noon Challenge

Sunlight Before Noon

Since the beginning of COVID-19 we've made it a point to expose ourselves and our children to daily morning sunlight for at least 10 minutes for the sake of our health. This isn't something we ever did regularly before as in the past, we would often spend all of our time outside during the afternoon and evening. Adding in this morning routine of 10 to 30 minutes of morning sunshine has noticeably affected our sleep schedules, for the better!

Sunlight regulates human physiology and behavior. In fact, approximately 100 bodily functions have daily rhythms that require exposure to the sun's day and night schedule for optimal function. The sunlight keeps these functions on a precise schedule and also helps them work in concert with each other.

Humans spend over 90% of their waking hours indoors, yet indoor light is only designed for sight. It does not contain the full spectrum of light that the sun provides.

Because this has been so beneficial to our family for the last three months, we want to encourage as many of you as possible to join us in this new routine! So for the month of June, we created a little daily tracker (30 days) for you to print out and check off every day as a helpful reminder to prioritize this time each day before noon. 

We hope you'll download the tracker sheet below, join in and spur on others to do the same by posting about it on your social channels, tagging #1000hoursoutside and #sunlightbeforenoon.

For more information, check out this article: Morning Daylight Exposure Tied to a Good Night's Sleep, which is one of many!

Free Download!

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