Your Kids Aren’t Missing Out When You Choose Nature Time

Kids Outside 1000 HOURS OUTSIDE

You're kids aren't missing out when they make sand angels or lie under a hammock and stare at the stars.

They aren't missing out when they carefully stack rocks and balance on fallen tree trunks. 

They aren't missing out when they jump from stumps and make forts in the woods.

They aren't missing out when they catch turtles and climb trees.

They aren't missing out when they whoop and holler and chase and roll and spin and dance and blow dandelion seeds and play in the hose.

They aren't missing out when you stay outside just a little bit longer. That is indeed what the clamor for. 

If childhood is to be well lived we must set aside the notion that we can provide our kids with everything and realize that everything they need is right around them. Nature calls to them. It beckons the youngest ones and intrigues the oldest ones. It gives to each child exactly what is needed: a new challenge, something of intrigue, a place of reprieve, pure delight.

Each day we must set our intentions to protect this gift of youthfulness and dig deep into the soul knowledge that reminds us to forgo the propensity toward busyness and choose the rewards of the slow, exuberant life that surrounds us.

Take away the walls. Take away the worksheets. Take away the shuttling and the harried schedules. Build expanses of time into the calendar of your family and watch your children thrive. 

So pack up the tent and the sleeping bags.

Build the bonfire just a little bit bigger.

Learn to say, "It's okay" when your child struggles through some momentary boredom.

Get out your bikes.

Head for the hills.

Take charge during this sometimes scary season of life when we fear we might mess it all up but deep down we know kids need nature time. They need it now more than ever.

Kids Outside 1000 HOURS OUTSIDE
Kids Outside 1000 HOURS OUTSIDE


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