2023 January Book Club Questions
National Geographic Explorer of the Year, Alastair Humphreys has joined our podcast THREE times! Make sure you check out all the episodes. Each one is unique and inspiring.
Episode 43 about Microadventures is one of our top ten podcast episodes and so for the month of January our book club is about Alastair’s book Microadventures, Local Discoveries for Great Escapes.
Since Microadventures was hard to get ahold of for some people, we also added a second book of Alastair’s for January called The Doorstep Mile, Live More Adventurously Every Day (discussed in podcast episode 108). Read either or both! Find discussion questions below.
To recap:
2023 January Book Club has TWO book options by Alastair Humphreys: Microadventures or The Doorstep Mile (read one or both)
Find the discussion questions below. Click on the image to download and print or screenshot the list of questions.
Gather a small group if you can to discuss the questions sometime in January.
Join us on Tuesday, January 31st at 2pm EST for a 45 minute discussion with the author of the these books, Alastair Humphreys. This will be live-streamed on YouTube. Get the direct link via email as it gets closer. Sign up for our email list here.
Click here to submit questions for Alastair ahead of time.
To listen:
EPISODE 43 - Microadventures: Because Even Small Adventures are Better Than None at All
EPISODE 84 - If it Feels Like an Adventure to You, It ‘Is’ An Adventure (** This is a top ten podcast episode!)
EPISODE 108 - Does This Year Matter? Then Use It.
Click Image to Download
2023 Book Club List!
January: Microadventures by Alastair Humphreys (Podcast episodes #43 , #84 , and #108)
February: Why Can't we Just Play? by Pam Lobley (Podcast episode #60)
March: Outdoor Kids in an Inside World by Steven Rinella (Podcast episode #51)
April: Glow Kids by Dr. Nicholas Kardaras (Podcast episodes #31 and #76)
May: The Case for Make Believe by Dr. Susan Linn (Podcast episodes #52 and #79)
June: 1000 Hours Outside by Ginny Yurich (Podcast episode #3)
July: Simplicity Parenting by Kim John Payne (Podcast episode #36)
August: The Call of the Wild + Free By Ainsley Arment (Podcast episodes #48 and #72)
September: Beyond Winning by Luis Fernando Llosa (Podcast episode #61)
October: Emotionally Resilient Teens and Tweens by Kim John Payne (Podcast episode #67)
November: Minimalist Moms by Diane Boden (Podcast episode #49)
December: New Book by Ginny Yurich Announced in 2023!