10 Things to Buy Your Kids Besides Screens


One Christmas we bought all our kids tablets. It was an impulse purchase. They had been begging. “All their friends had them” (this logic has been around forever). As parents, we imagined the elation on Christmas morning, and there would’ve been. But in the final hours we realized the elation would be short lived. Elation would soon give way to limit setting and then fighting over the limits that were set. The danger of the digital babysitter is that it provides provides everyone what they really think they want - instant gratification for the child and peace and quiet for the parent. But parents got on thousands of years without these things so I think we can, too!

In the final hours, we never wrapped the tablets and we ended up returning them. The kids were never the wiser and in the end it was the better decision for us. 

So, if you are feeling the pressure to cave to the pressure of screens, why not buy one of these instead? The price of screen varies widely so the price tags here do as well. No affiliate links here because, well, I am awful at technology. Hint hint: These would make great Easter gifts or birthday gifts as well!! 

  • Hugglepod - secret spaces are a hit with any chlld. Can’t you just picture listless hours spent here reading and dreaming?! These pods come in several different sizes so they can be used for an individual child or as the ultimate hang out spot for siblings/friends.  

  • A rebounder - my kids use this constantly on the days we are stuck indoors. Bonus: it clears the entire lymphatic system in just three minutes!  

  • Mud kitchen - the possibilities for pretend here are endless because who really eats mud? Instead, mud turns into everything. An apple pie? Sure! A sandwich? Yup. Chocolate ice cream? You bet! If you can’t go full kitchen give them some old pots, pan and a garden hose.​https://www.1001gardens.org/2014/07/20-mud-kitchen-ideas/

  • Hiking vest - instead of all the little nature treasures ending up in your pockets the kids have a place for them! This purchase is a no brainer! Our kids have loved these. 

  • A Net - catching critters is the spice of life! Butterflies and tadpoles are the name of the game! 

  • Tree blocks - children are hardwired to play with natural things that’s why wooden toys just work better for children long term than plastic ones. They are also great family heirlooms. These provide fun inside and out! I always say I’m going to make my own, but never do. 

  • Anything from slackers - slackline is portable (we take ours camping) and the kids love practicing their balancing skills. Slackers also sells ziplines (with seats that glow in the dark) and ninjalines!http://www.b4adventure.com

  • New and improved sand toys - playing in the sand is something children can become immersed in for hours. Every spring sand toys like the shelves but with a little digging (I spy a pun) you can find some that are unique. There are sand toys kits where you can build landmark structures like the Taj Mahal, ones with tools to make sand cookies or sand ice cream cones, and my favorite are the rollers where kids can roll out sand roads and things for the sand cities they build. Pro tip: sharpie your name on your sand toys. It’s easy to get them mixed up with other people’s at the beach. Jumbo Sand Rollers (Set of 5) HABA Big Sandy Ice Cream Parlor Play Set with Cones Hape Toys Ancient Mayan Pyramid Beach Sand Toy Set 

  • Good backpack - put in a water bottle, few snacks, maybe a set of binoculars and a nature journal. Kids love to dabble with adult responsibilities. That’s why companies like Melissa and Doug can get away with selling pint sized play cleaning tools for a premium price tag. Children stand tall with shoulders back when they have the responsibility of carrying their own special backpack. Bonus, it doubles as a place to put pine cones. 

  • Waldorf doll - why are these so expensive? Actually, I don’t really know. Maybe it’s because they are handmade. I know you can buy a doll at Target for $10 or less but somehow these are tried and true as less is more when it comes to childhood. Think Laura Ingles Wilder and corn husk dolls. Kids want to put their imagination to things and so, in their simplicity, these dolls have stood the test of time. They are the ultimate birthday present for a young boy or girl.


Nature is an Antidote for Screen Obsession


Spring is a Great Time to Change Screen Habits!