How to Become a Playing Family

Playing Family 1000 HOURS OUTSIDE

As the saying goes "The years fly by but the hours are long".  Raising a family can seem grueling at times and there are an overwhelming amount of choices surrounding how to spend our years rearing children.  Of all the options out there free play and providing time "just to be a kid" often gets lost in the mix.  But the research is out and it points to the overwhelming importance of play.  Over the summer months especially there seem to be a lot of articles floating around about the importance of downtime and less scheduled activities.  Whether you've always known this or it's just coming to the forefront of your parenting practices here are five quick ways to infuse play into everyday life.

1).  Find a nearby trail or beach.  Use your city's parks and recreation website or look for trails through your local or State parks.  There is so much variety in nature.  Your kids will be engaged from the moment you step on the path or into the sand.  As a general rule we try and stick with hiking trails that are less than 2 miles for toddlers.  We don't bring along any toys on our hikes but we do make sure to have a few snacks and some water! 

2)  Invest in some "loose parts toys".  Loose parts toys are materials that can be moved, carried, combined, redesigned, lined up, and taken apart and put back together in multiple ways. Instead of buying a plastic toy for the next birthday or holiday help your child build creativity and imagination with stumps, logs, rope, crates, boxes, buckets, fabric and the like.  Children tend to prefer loose parts over fancy toys anyway.  Loose part "toys" are abundant in nature.  Kids love to build with sticks, toss pinecones, and blow dandelion seeds.

3)  Invite some friends along and watch the creativity soar.  It's certainly safer to be outside with someone else - but it's more fun, too!  All the different personalities and ages that are brought to the mix are good for child development.

4)  Let loose.  One of my best days ever as a mom was when we came upon a shallow inland lake and let the kids swim in their clothes.  It's adds to the mystique and to the memories when kids are able to do something they normally can't.

5)  Step back.  Spread out a picnic blanket and observe.  You will be amazed and inspired.  Children are so naturally engaged with life and have an inner drive to learn and to grow.  They lose a lot of opportunity to develop when we dictate most of their lives. 


Nature Play Helps Children Academically


Nature Play Saves You Money!