1000 Hours Outside: All the Things
We hope you find what you’re looking for here!
1000 Hours Outside MEGA Bundle: For a limited time only (through Jan 13, 2025) we’ve partnered with For The Love of Homeschooling to bring you the best bundle of resources imaginable for just $25! Get over 85 resources with 550 different activities to keep you going all year long! Don’t miss this special offering for just $25 - normal retail would be over $800! Offer ends January 13, 2025 so don’t miss it!
Newsletter sign-up here: From podcast episodes to our annual tracker design contest to weekly encouragement and more, our newsletter will help you on your journey this year.
Free Tracker sheets here: There are 20 designs to choose from. They each come with two variations. The first 100 variation can be used for those who want to give it a try but don’t want to totally commit or they can be combined to create your own family goal for the year. Are you looking to get outside for 500 hours? Pick your five favorite first 100 sheets and use those! The main tracker of each design will contain 1000 spaces to color in. Each space represents one hour (or could represent less if you need to adjust the goal for your family). For example, if you were aiming for 500 hours outside in the coming year each space could represent 30 minutes.
How to enlarge your tracker here: Step-by-Step instructions on how to get your tracker enlarged! Depending on your specifications, these tend to cost less than $10.
10 Year Anniversary Trackers: These were brand new back in 2023!! 1000 Hours Outside, 1000 Miles Moved, 1000 Chapters Read, 1000 Analog Hours
Kick-Off Pack Here: Find motivation to keep you going all year long! This pack includes The pack contains 62 Hiking Prompts, Year-round Outside Adventure Prompts, Corresponding Year-Round Outside Adventure Book Lists, Monthly Book Club Questions, and an End-of-Year Certificate. The prompts are designed so you can cut them out and attach them to popsicle sticks. Purchase the kickoff pack here!
#1 Lifestyle App for iOS and Android: The 1000 Hours Outside App has over 6,000 ratings with 4.8 stars. It tracks your time, allows for multiple profiles, has a daily journal feature, and gives you badges. It gets wonderful feedback and we are constantly updating it. Learn more about it here.
Top Ranked 1000 Hours Outside Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Audible and more. It’s easy to search for. It’s called… “The 1000 Hours Outside Podcast” because we are super creative around here.
BOOKS! Ginny has written five books… three of them have the same title!! The latest book, titled ‘Until The Streetlights Come On’ was released in November of 2023. Our activity book that was published through DK Books is available globally. It is called 1000 Hours Outside: Activities to Match Screen Time with Green Time and it is filled with 100s of activities separated by season . It sold out on Amazon in the UK in just 8 days. It is a wonderful book that is ranked #1 in many categories including Activity Books and Crafts/Hobbies. Ginny also wrote a non-fiction book called 1000 Hours Outside: Prioritize Nature, Reclaim Childhood and Experience a Fuller Life that is self-published and available in the 1000 Hours Outside shop. Additionally, Ginny self-published an activity book in 2021 called “1000 Hours Outside Activity Book: Low Tech Nature Activities in a High Tech World” that includes chapters like Forest Dwellers, Garden Tinkerers, and Nature Collectors. Finally, Ginny wrote a children’s book called “The Little Farmhouse in West Virginia” that came out in 2019 and has recently been re-illustrated.
Meet Ginny in 2025! Come see us ON TOUR IN FEBRUARY!!!
1000 Hours Outside FAQs
1000 Hours Outside App FAQs - CLICK HERE!
From the bottom of our hearts, we hope you have a beautiful and memorable year! Join this journey with us any time!